
Atom heart mother release date
Atom heart mother release date

atom heart mother release date

Google search it non-pink floyd fans who don't know what that is. Perhaps it is too short? I hear "The Unknown Song" in this. I don't ever want to hear a bad thing about the song.

atom heart mother release date

It was one of the first albums to sound TOTALLY different than their previous one. This is coming from probably the biggest Floyd fan I can think of.

  • Seth from Foster, RiThis song is amazing.
  • The keyboard solo at the beginning (without that cello solo) is AMAZING, it really moves me.
  • Giselle from Buenos Aires, ArgentinaThe Live at KQED version is awesome.
  • No one has mentioned the amazing bass trombone rips in this.
  • Bob from Tarlton, OhThis is an absolutely genius piece of music.
  • However trying to find information on it today is like picking hens teeth. I read later on that there were 5 different productions of this album that were released.
  • Warren from CanadaSeveral years ago a friend of mine and me both had the Atom Heart Mother album (vinyl) but the the production on his album had a drier sound as opposed to mine which had a more echoy wet sound.
  • One camp is not superior over the other, it’s just your personal taste on the subject. There are some that love this to death & many who just will never like it. To be kind it’s an acquired taste, even among us Floyd fans. You don’t there without “Meddle” but no so with “Atom Heart Mother”. The next album to follow “Meddle” now that was the jam! That was the transitional album when Floyd started writing/producing more cohesive stuff & the leap from there to “Dark Side of the Moon” & all their later stuff. This album represented the end of Floyd’s bizarre experimental psychedelic phase. That one I really like & even “Fat Old Sun” is kinda ok too. The only song that I like here is of course already advertised as being “The most accessible” song on the album is “Summer ‘68”. Waters was asked what it would take to re-do this again & he basically said to “F*k off!” That he’d never do it for any kind of money. Just never could get into it, heck even the band themselves said that it was awful.
  • Anthony from New York, NyActually this is my least liked Floyd album & to date, the only one that I never owned.

  • Atom heart mother release date